Friday, June 12, 2009


Jess, you did incredibly well :) Thank you for sharing your unconsciousness with me (us? technically this is public)

I had a dream the other night that I can't remember details for. It was a work dream that ended in a rather abrupt and angry energy being thrown at me that caused me to wake up at 4 am. This of course happened the night before I was fired.

Which brings me to why I bring it up.
Have you ever had a dream that came true? In other words, have you ever been in a moment and thought - hey! I remember this dream!

It used to happen to me more than one might think. I could vividly remember waking up from the dream (the original unconscious experience) and thinking, ok... i will make sure to remember this. and then days, weeks, YEARS later, finding myself in EXACTLY THE SAME SITUATION.

Folks would say, oh, that's just deja vu. To which I would reply, perhaps, but then what's deja vu?
I fully remember waking up from this dream, or having the dream or thinking and reflecting back on the dream and then HAVING THE DREAM HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE.

Am I alone on this one?